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HootDex News
- Benefits of the HootDex Digital Asset Swapping System
- Digital Basket Tokens, Pioneering Transparency and Real-Time Disclosure on HootDex
- Exciting Updates from HootDex!
- FanTokens and Meme Tokens Coming to HootDex!
- HedgeTokens Unveiled on HootDex: Revolutionizing Risk Mitigation in the Digital Asset Market
- HootDex and CryptoPairs: Revolutionizing Digital Asset Trading
- HootDex Launches Education Center to Empower the Public with Cryptocurrency Knowledge
- MegaHoot Technologies Successfully Achieves TPS Milestone with HootDex Stress Test
- Self Custody Peer to Peer Digital Asset Swapping System HootDex to Open to the Public
- Unlocking the Power of HootDex and The Journey from Stealth Mode to Retail Trading
New Listings
- Can I print my account statement on HootDex?
- Does HootDex adhere to KYC/AML laws?
- Does HootDex allow for members to use their Ethereum, Bitcoin or Litecoin to swap?
- Does HootDex collect IP Addresses and user data?
- Does HootDex have its own token?
- Does HootDex hold or leverage my Digital Assets?
- Does HootDex show other data?
- Is HootDex a centralized crypto exchange?
- Is HootDex free to use?
- Is HootDex Safe?
- Is Pecu Novus Decentralized or Centralized?
- What are digital asset derivatives?
- What digital wallets does HootDex support?
- What is a Non-Deliverable Forward?
- What is a Synthetic Forward Contract?
- What is HootDex?
- What is Self Custody?
- What protocol does HootDex use?
- Where do forex, cryptocurrency and commodity pricing come from?
- Why doesn’t HootDex allow all Ethereum Tokens or tokens of other blockchains?
- Why is the Volume high but the Total Value Locked lower?
- Will HootDex have Stable coins such as USDC or USDT?
- Will more Venture Tokens, CryptoPairs and SynthCryptos be available?
- Show Remaining Articles (8) Collapse Articles
Security and Fraud Protection
- Articles coming soon
Maintenance Updates
- 08.12.24 Connection Upgrade May Cause Quotes From Registering on web and mobile apps
- 08.21.2024 HedgeTokens Upgrade
- 11.13.2024 System Upgrades Impacting Retail Swapping
- 8.08.24 Maintenance Update
- April 15, 2023
- Aug 1, 2023
- Aug 2, 2023
- Aug 28, 2023
- Aug 31, 2023
- Aug 31, 2023
- HootDex Upgrades and Scaling September 26, 2023
- HootDex will be down from 15:30 to 16:30 UTC for migration on Nov 7, 2023
- Important Announcement: Glitch Impacting a Few Select HedgeTokens 3.20.24
- July 16 - 19 2024 Maintenance
- June 20, 2023
- June 25, 2023
- Maintenance 10-25-2023
- Major upgrades to HootDex Dec 6, 2023
- May 1, 2023
- May 15, 2023
- May 22, 2023
- May 23, 2023
- May 25, 2023
- May 30, 2023
- Sept 08, 2023
- Sept 14, 2023
- Successful Addition of New Tokens October 2, 2023
- Testing in Real Time July 20, 2024
- Show Remaining Articles (13) Collapse Articles
All Listings
- Alba Invest DBT
- Alpomado Holdings DBT
- Barbary Comercio DBT
- Berigora Global Trading DBT
- Bubo North Group DBT
- Columbarius Capital DBT
- Falconet Biahara DBT
- FGA Bitcentric Tracker DBT
- FGA East Asia Ventures
- FGA Ethcentric Tracker DBT
- FGA Innovation Ventures
- FGA Latam Ventures
- FGA Middle East Ventures
- FGA Nordic Ventures
- FGA Southeast Asia Ventures
- Gyrfalcon House DBT
- Ironclad Point Capital DBT
- Lanner Ticaret DBT
- Mexicanus Comercio DBT
- Noble House Trading DBT
- Peregrine GlobalBit Tracker
- Peregrine GlobalEth Tracker
- Peregrine Trade Ventures DBT
- Roaring Twenties Trading DBT
- Storm Heart Group DBT
- Thunderclap Trading DBT
- Thunderstrike Handel DBT
- Tyto Global Group DBT
- Valhallen Kauppa DBT
- Wolfsbane Kauppa DBT
- Show Remaining Articles (15) Collapse Articles
- hADA HedgeToken
- hAVAX HedgeToken
- hBCH HedgeToken
- hBNB HedgeToken
- hBNBAU HedgeToken
- hBNBBT HedgeToken
- hBNBET HedgeToken
- hBNBEU HedgeToken
- hBNBGB HedgeToken
- hBNBPD HedgeToken
- hBNBPT HedgeToken
- hBTC HedgeToken
- hBTCAU HedgeToken
- hBTCBR HedgeToken
- hBTCET HedgeToken
- hBTCEU HedgeToken
- hBTCGB HedgeToken
- hBTCPD HedgeToken
- hBTCPT HedgeToken
- hBTCWT HedgeToken
- hDOGE HedgeToken
- hDOT HedgeToken
- hETC HedgeToken
- hETH HedgeToken
- hETHAU HedgeToken
- hETHBR HedgeToken
- hETHBT HedgeToken
- hETHEU HedgeToken
- hETHGB HedgeToken
- hETHPD HedgeToken
- hETHPT HedgeToken
- hETHWT HedgeToken
- hLINK HedgeToken
- hLTC HedgeToken
- hLTCAU HedgeToken
- hLTCBR HedgeToken
- hLTCBT HedgeToken
- hLTCET HedgeToken
- hLTCEU HedgeToken
- hLTCGB HedgeToken
- hLTCPD HedgeToken
- hLTCPT HedgeToken
- hLTCWT HedgeToken
- hMATIC HedgeToken
- hPECUAU HedgeToken
- hPECUEU HedgeToken
- hPECUGB HedgeToken
- hPECUPD HedgeToken
- hPECUPT HedgeToken
- hSOL HedgeToken
- hUNI HedgeToken
- hXRP HedgeToken
- PECU HedgeToken
- Show Remaining Articles (38) Collapse Articles
- Africa BGH
- Africa EGH
- Africa LitGha
- Africa PGH
- Britain BNBGB
- Britain BNGX
- Britain BTCBR
- Britain BTCGB
- Britain BTPX
- Britain ETHBR
- Britain ETHGB
- Britain ETPX
- Britain LitBrit
- Britain LitPetra
- Britain LTGX
- Britain LTPX
- Britain PECUGB
- Britiain BTGX
- Central Europe BHU
- Central Europe BPL
- Central Europe BTCH
- Central Europe ECH
- Central Europe EHU
- Central Europe EPL
- Central Europe LitHun
- Central Europe LitPol
- Central Europe LitSwis
- Central Europe PCH
- Central Europe PHU
- Central Europe PPL
- East Asia BCN
- East Asia BHK
- East Asia BJP
- East Asia BKR
- East Asia BTHX
- East Asia BTJX
- East Asia BTKX
- East Asia BTW
- East Asia ECN
- East Asia EHK
- East Asia EJP
- East Asia EKR
- East Asia ETHX
- East Asia ETJX
- East Asia ETKX
- East Asia ETW
- East Asia LitChi
- East Asia LitJap
- East Asia LitKor
- East Asia LitTai
- East Asia LTJX
- East Asia LTKX
- East Asia PCN
- East Asia PHK
- East Asia PJP
- East Asia PKR
- East Asia PNHX
- East Asia PNJX
- East Asia PNKX
- East Asia PTW
- Eastern Europe BUA
- Eastern Europe EUA
- Eastern Europe LitUkra
- Eastern Europe PUA
- Eurasia BTR
- Eurasia ETR
- Eurasia LitTurk
- Eurasia PTR
- Europe BNBEU
- Europe BNUX
- Europe BTCEU
- Europe ETHEU
- Europe ETUX
- Europe Lituro
- Europe LTUX
- Europe PECUEU
- Europe PNUX
- LatAm BitPara
- LatAm BMX
- LatAm BTMX
- LatAm EMX
- LatAm EthPara
- LatAm ETMX
- LatAm LitMx
- LatAm LitPara
- LatAm LTMX
- LatAm PecPara
- LatAm PMX
- LatAm PNMX
- Middle East BAE
- Middle East BEG
- Middle East BIL
- Middle East BJO
- Middle East BSA
- Middle East EAE
- Middle East EEG
- Middle East EIL
- Middle East EJO
- Middle East ESA
- Middle East LitGyp
- Middle East Litisra
- Middle East LitJor
- Middle East LitSaud
- Middle East LitUAE
- Middle East PAE
- Middle East PEG
- Middle East PIL
- Middle East PJO
- Middle East PSA
- Nordic BNO
- Nordic BSE
- Nordic ENO
- Nordic ESE
- Nordic LitNor
- Nordic LitSwed
- Nordic PNO
- Nordic PSE
- NorthAm BNAX
- NorthAm BNBAU
- NorthAm BNBBT
- NorthAm BNBET
- NorthAm BNBPD
- NorthAm BNBPT
- NorthAm BNBX
- NorthAm BNEX
- NorthAm BNTX
- NorthAm BTAX
- NorthAm BTCAU
- NorthAm BTCET
- NorthAm BTCPD
- NorthAm BTCPT
- NorthAm BTCWT
- NorthAm BTEX
- NorthAm BTOX
- NorthAm ETAX
- NorthAm ETBX
- NorthAm ETDX
- NorthAm ETHAU
- NorthAm ETHBT
- NorthAm ETHPD
- NorthAm ETHPT
- NorthAm ETHWT
- NorthAm ETOX
- NorthAm ETTX
- NorthAm Litau
- NorthAm LitBit
- NorthAm Literum
- NorthAm Litoleum
- NorthAm LitPal
- NorthAm LitPlat
- NorthAm LTAX
- NorthAm LTBX
- NorthAm LTDX
- NorthAm LTOX
- NorthAm LTTX
- NorthAm PECUAU
- NorthAm PECUBT
- NorthAm PECUET
- NorthAm PECUPD
- NorthAm PECUPT
- NorthAm PNAX
- NorthAm PNBX
- NorthAm PNDX
- NorthAm PNEX
- NorthAm PNTX
- NothAm BNDX
- Oceania BNZ
- Oceania ENZ
- Oceania LitZea
- Oceania PNZ
- South Asia BIN
- South Asia BTIX
- South Asia EIN
- South Asia ETIX
- South Asia LitRup
- South Asia LTIX
- South Asia PIN
- South Asia PNIX
- Southeast Asia BID
- Southeast Asia BMY
- Southeast Asia BPH
- Southeast Asia BSG
- Southeast Asia BTH
- Southeast Asia EID
- Southeast Asia EMY
- Southeast Asia EPH
- Southeast Asia ESG
- Southeast Asia ETTH
- Southeast Asia LitIndo
- Southeast Asia LitMala
- Southeast Asia LitPhil
- Southeast Asia LitSing
- Southeast Asia LitThai
- Southeast Asia PID
- Southeast Asia PMY
- Southeast Asia PPH
- Southeast Asia PSG
- Southeast Asia PTH
- SynthCrypto BNX
- Show Remaining Articles (184) Collapse Articles
- SynthCrypto ADA
- SynthCrypto AVAX
- SynthCrypto AVX
- SynthCrypto BCH
- SynthCrypto BCX
- SynthCrypto BNB
- SynthCrypto BTC
- SynthCrypto BTX
- SynthCrypto DGX
- SynthCrypto DOGE
- SynthCrypto DOT
- SynthCrypto DTX
- SynthCrypto ECX
- SynthCrypto ETC
- SynthCrypto ETH
- SynthCrypto ETX
- SynthCrypto LINK
- SynthCrypto LKX
- SynthCrypto LTC
- SynthCrypto LTX
- SynthCrypto MATIC
- SynthCrypto MTX
- SynthCrypto SLX
- SynthCrypto SOL
- SynthCrypto UNIS
- SynthCrypto XRP
- SynthCrypto XRX
- Show Remaining Articles (12) Collapse Articles
Pro Retail Traders
- Are HootDex Pro Trading Systems free to use?
- Are there any restrictions or limitations based on the Professional Retail Trader’s geographic location?
- Are there any special incentives or promotions for Professional Retail Traders?
- Can Professional Retail Traders integrate their trading systems with HootDex?
- Can Professional Retail Traders request custom tokens?
- Can we use Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin to onboard to HootDex?
- Do I need to fully fund my Pecu Wallet?
- Does HootDex offer a mobile app for Professional Traders?
- Does HootDex offer margin trading or other leverage features for Pro Traders?
- Does HootDex provide custody services?
- How do Professional Retail Traders acquire PECU to swap on HootDex?
- How does the order placement and execution process work on HootDex?
- Professional Retail Digital Asset Swapping
- What are the available order types and how do they function?
- What are the swapping fees and gas fees charged by HootDex?
- What digital assets are supported for swapping on HootDex?
- What documents and information are required for verification and compliance purposes?
- What security measures does HootDex have in place to protect our Digital Assets?
- Will there be a limit per trading day?
- Show Remaining Articles (4) Collapse Articles
Institutional Traders
- Are HootDex Institutional APIs free to use?
- Are there any special incentives or promotions for Institutions?
- Can Institutions integrate their trading systems with HootDex?
- Can Institutions request custom tokens?
- Can we use Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin to onboard to HootDex?
- Do we need to fully fund our Pecu Wallet?
- Does HootDex offer margin trading or other leverage features for Institutions?
- Does HootDex provide custody services?
- Institutional Digital Asset Traders
- What digital assets are supported for swapping on HootDex?
- What security measures does HootDex have in place to protect our Digital Assets?
- Will there be a limit per trading day?
OTC Swapping Desk
API Docs
- Articles coming soon
< All Topics
February 4, 2025
PUBLIC NOTICE : HootDex Delisting Notice : February 4, 2025
- FanToken 507 Stitches ticker STCHx
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