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HootDex News
- Benefits of the HootDex Digital Asset Swapping System
- Digital Basket Tokens, Pioneering Transparency and Real-Time Disclosure on HootDex
- Exciting Updates from HootDex!
- FanTokens and Meme Tokens Coming to HootDex!
- HedgeTokens Unveiled on HootDex: Revolutionizing Risk Mitigation in the Digital Asset Market
- HootDex and CryptoPairs: Revolutionizing Digital Asset Trading
- HootDex Launches Education Center to Empower the Public with Cryptocurrency Knowledge
- MegaHoot Technologies Successfully Achieves TPS Milestone with HootDex Stress Test
- Self Custody Peer to Peer Digital Asset Swapping System HootDex to Open to the Public
- Unlocking the Power of HootDex and The Journey from Stealth Mode to Retail Trading
New Listings
- Can I print my account statement on HootDex?
- Does HootDex adhere to KYC/AML laws?
- Does HootDex allow for members to use their Ethereum, Bitcoin or Litecoin to swap?
- Does HootDex collect IP Addresses and user data?
- Does HootDex have its own token?
- Does HootDex hold or leverage my Digital Assets?
- Does HootDex show other data?
- Is HootDex a centralized crypto exchange?
- Is HootDex free to use?
- Is HootDex Safe?
- Is Pecu Novus Decentralized or Centralized?
- What are digital asset derivatives?
- What digital wallets does HootDex support?
- What is a Non-Deliverable Forward?
- What is a Synthetic Forward Contract?
- What is HootDex?
- What is Self Custody?
- What protocol does HootDex use?
- Where do forex, cryptocurrency and commodity pricing come from?
- Why doesn’t HootDex allow all Ethereum Tokens or tokens of other blockchains?
- Why is the Volume high but the Total Value Locked lower?
- Will HootDex have Stable coins such as USDC or USDT?
- Will more Venture Tokens, CryptoPairs and SynthCryptos be available?
- Show Remaining Articles (8) Collapse Articles
Security and Fraud Protection
- Articles coming soon
Maintenance Updates
- 08.12.24 Connection Upgrade May Cause Quotes From Registering on web and mobile apps
- 08.21.2024 HedgeTokens Upgrade
- 11.13.2024 System Upgrades Impacting Retail Swapping
- 8.08.24 Maintenance Update
- April 15, 2023
- Aug 1, 2023
- Aug 2, 2023
- Aug 28, 2023
- Aug 31, 2023
- Aug 31, 2023
- HootDex Upgrades and Scaling September 26, 2023
- HootDex will be down from 15:30 to 16:30 UTC for migration on Nov 7, 2023
- Important Announcement: Glitch Impacting a Few Select HedgeTokens 3.20.24
- July 16 - 19 2024 Maintenance
- June 20, 2023
- June 25, 2023
- Maintenance 10-25-2023
- Major upgrades to HootDex Dec 6, 2023
- May 1, 2023
- May 15, 2023
- May 22, 2023
- May 23, 2023
- May 25, 2023
- May 30, 2023
- Sept 08, 2023
- Sept 14, 2023
- Successful Addition of New Tokens October 2, 2023
- Testing in Real Time July 20, 2024
- Show Remaining Articles (13) Collapse Articles
All Listings
- Alba Invest DBT
- Alpomado Holdings DBT
- Barbary Comercio DBT
- Berigora Global Trading DBT
- Bubo North Group DBT
- Columbarius Capital DBT
- Falconet Biahara DBT
- FGA Bitcentric Tracker DBT
- FGA East Asia Ventures
- FGA Ethcentric Tracker DBT
- FGA Innovation Ventures
- FGA Latam Ventures
- FGA Middle East Ventures
- FGA Nordic Ventures
- FGA Southeast Asia Ventures
- Gyrfalcon House DBT
- Ironclad Point Capital DBT
- Lanner Ticaret DBT
- Mexicanus Comercio DBT
- Noble House Trading DBT
- Peregrine GlobalBit Tracker
- Peregrine GlobalEth Tracker
- Peregrine Trade Ventures DBT
- Roaring Twenties Trading DBT
- Storm Heart Group DBT
- Thunderclap Trading DBT
- Thunderstrike Handel DBT
- Tyto Global Group DBT
- Valhallen Kauppa DBT
- Wolfsbane Kauppa DBT
- Show Remaining Articles (15) Collapse Articles
- hADA HedgeToken
- hAVAX HedgeToken
- hBCH HedgeToken
- hBNB HedgeToken
- hBNBAU HedgeToken
- hBNBBT HedgeToken
- hBNBET HedgeToken
- hBNBEU HedgeToken
- hBNBGB HedgeToken
- hBNBPD HedgeToken
- hBNBPT HedgeToken
- hBTC HedgeToken
- hBTCAU HedgeToken
- hBTCBR HedgeToken
- hBTCET HedgeToken
- hBTCEU HedgeToken
- hBTCGB HedgeToken
- hBTCPD HedgeToken
- hBTCPT HedgeToken
- hBTCWT HedgeToken
- hDOGE HedgeToken
- hDOT HedgeToken
- hETC HedgeToken
- hETH HedgeToken
- hETHAU HedgeToken
- hETHBR HedgeToken
- hETHBT HedgeToken
- hETHEU HedgeToken
- hETHGB HedgeToken
- hETHPD HedgeToken
- hETHPT HedgeToken
- hETHWT HedgeToken
- hLINK HedgeToken
- hLTC HedgeToken
- hLTCAU HedgeToken
- hLTCBR HedgeToken
- hLTCBT HedgeToken
- hLTCET HedgeToken
- hLTCEU HedgeToken
- hLTCGB HedgeToken
- hLTCPD HedgeToken
- hLTCPT HedgeToken
- hLTCWT HedgeToken
- hMATIC HedgeToken
- hPECUAU HedgeToken
- hPECUEU HedgeToken
- hPECUGB HedgeToken
- hPECUPD HedgeToken
- hPECUPT HedgeToken
- hSOL HedgeToken
- hUNI HedgeToken
- hXRP HedgeToken
- PECU HedgeToken
- Show Remaining Articles (38) Collapse Articles
- Africa BGH
- Africa EGH
- Africa LitGha
- Africa PGH
- Britain BNBGB
- Britain BNGX
- Britain BTCBR
- Britain BTCGB
- Britain BTPX
- Britain ETHBR
- Britain ETHGB
- Britain ETPX
- Britain LitBrit
- Britain LitPetra
- Britain LTGX
- Britain LTPX
- Britain PECUGB
- Britiain BTGX
- Central Europe BHU
- Central Europe BPL
- Central Europe BTCH
- Central Europe ECH
- Central Europe EHU
- Central Europe EPL
- Central Europe LitHun
- Central Europe LitPol
- Central Europe LitSwis
- Central Europe PCH
- Central Europe PHU
- Central Europe PPL
- East Asia BCN
- East Asia BHK
- East Asia BJP
- East Asia BKR
- East Asia BTHX
- East Asia BTJX
- East Asia BTKX
- East Asia BTW
- East Asia ECN
- East Asia EHK
- East Asia EJP
- East Asia EKR
- East Asia ETHX
- East Asia ETJX
- East Asia ETKX
- East Asia ETW
- East Asia LitChi
- East Asia LitJap
- East Asia LitKor
- East Asia LitTai
- East Asia LTJX
- East Asia LTKX
- East Asia PCN
- East Asia PHK
- East Asia PJP
- East Asia PKR
- East Asia PNHX
- East Asia PNJX
- East Asia PNKX
- East Asia PTW
- Eastern Europe BUA
- Eastern Europe EUA
- Eastern Europe LitUkra
- Eastern Europe PUA
- Eurasia BTR
- Eurasia ETR
- Eurasia LitTurk
- Eurasia PTR
- Europe BNBEU
- Europe BNUX
- Europe BTCEU
- Europe ETHEU
- Europe ETUX
- Europe Lituro
- Europe LTUX
- Europe PECUEU
- Europe PNUX
- LatAm BitPara
- LatAm BMX
- LatAm BTMX
- LatAm EMX
- LatAm EthPara
- LatAm ETMX
- LatAm LitMx
- LatAm LitPara
- LatAm LTMX
- LatAm PecPara
- LatAm PMX
- LatAm PNMX
- Middle East BAE
- Middle East BEG
- Middle East BIL
- Middle East BJO
- Middle East BSA
- Middle East EAE
- Middle East EEG
- Middle East EIL
- Middle East EJO
- Middle East ESA
- Middle East LitGyp
- Middle East Litisra
- Middle East LitJor
- Middle East LitSaud
- Middle East LitUAE
- Middle East PAE
- Middle East PEG
- Middle East PIL
- Middle East PJO
- Middle East PSA
- Nordic BNO
- Nordic BSE
- Nordic ENO
- Nordic ESE
- Nordic LitNor
- Nordic LitSwed
- Nordic PNO
- Nordic PSE
- NorthAm BNAX
- NorthAm BNBAU
- NorthAm BNBBT
- NorthAm BNBET
- NorthAm BNBPD
- NorthAm BNBPT
- NorthAm BNBX
- NorthAm BNEX
- NorthAm BNTX
- NorthAm BTAX
- NorthAm BTCAU
- NorthAm BTCET
- NorthAm BTCPD
- NorthAm BTCPT
- NorthAm BTCWT
- NorthAm BTEX
- NorthAm BTOX
- NorthAm ETAX
- NorthAm ETBX
- NorthAm ETDX
- NorthAm ETHAU
- NorthAm ETHBT
- NorthAm ETHPD
- NorthAm ETHPT
- NorthAm ETHWT
- NorthAm ETOX
- NorthAm ETTX
- NorthAm Litau
- NorthAm LitBit
- NorthAm Literum
- NorthAm Litoleum
- NorthAm LitPal
- NorthAm LitPlat
- NorthAm LTAX
- NorthAm LTBX
- NorthAm LTDX
- NorthAm LTOX
- NorthAm LTTX
- NorthAm PECUAU
- NorthAm PECUBT
- NorthAm PECUET
- NorthAm PECUPD
- NorthAm PECUPT
- NorthAm PNAX
- NorthAm PNBX
- NorthAm PNDX
- NorthAm PNEX
- NorthAm PNTX
- NothAm BNDX
- Oceania BNZ
- Oceania ENZ
- Oceania LitZea
- Oceania PNZ
- South Asia BIN
- South Asia BTIX
- South Asia EIN
- South Asia ETIX
- South Asia LitRup
- South Asia LTIX
- South Asia PIN
- South Asia PNIX
- Southeast Asia BID
- Southeast Asia BMY
- Southeast Asia BPH
- Southeast Asia BSG
- Southeast Asia BTH
- Southeast Asia EID
- Southeast Asia EMY
- Southeast Asia EPH
- Southeast Asia ESG
- Southeast Asia ETTH
- Southeast Asia LitIndo
- Southeast Asia LitMala
- Southeast Asia LitPhil
- Southeast Asia LitSing
- Southeast Asia LitThai
- Southeast Asia PID
- Southeast Asia PMY
- Southeast Asia PPH
- Southeast Asia PSG
- Southeast Asia PTH
- SynthCrypto BNX
- Show Remaining Articles (184) Collapse Articles
- SynthCrypto ADA
- SynthCrypto AVAX
- SynthCrypto AVX
- SynthCrypto BCH
- SynthCrypto BCX
- SynthCrypto BNB
- SynthCrypto BTC
- SynthCrypto BTX
- SynthCrypto DGX
- SynthCrypto DOGE
- SynthCrypto DOT
- SynthCrypto DTX
- SynthCrypto ECX
- SynthCrypto ETC
- SynthCrypto ETH
- SynthCrypto ETX
- SynthCrypto LINK
- SynthCrypto LKX
- SynthCrypto LTC
- SynthCrypto LTX
- SynthCrypto MATIC
- SynthCrypto MTX
- SynthCrypto SLX
- SynthCrypto SOL
- SynthCrypto UNIS
- SynthCrypto XRP
- SynthCrypto XRX
- Show Remaining Articles (12) Collapse Articles
Pro Retail Traders
- Are HootDex Pro Trading Systems free to use?
- Are there any restrictions or limitations based on the Professional Retail Trader’s geographic location?
- Are there any special incentives or promotions for Professional Retail Traders?
- Can Professional Retail Traders integrate their trading systems with HootDex?
- Can Professional Retail Traders request custom tokens?
- Can we use Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin to onboard to HootDex?
- Do I need to fully fund my Pecu Wallet?
- Does HootDex offer a mobile app for Professional Traders?
- Does HootDex offer margin trading or other leverage features for Pro Traders?
- Does HootDex provide custody services?
- How do Professional Retail Traders acquire PECU to swap on HootDex?
- How does the order placement and execution process work on HootDex?
- Professional Retail Digital Asset Swapping
- What are the available order types and how do they function?
- What are the swapping fees and gas fees charged by HootDex?
- What digital assets are supported for swapping on HootDex?
- What documents and information are required for verification and compliance purposes?
- What security measures does HootDex have in place to protect our Digital Assets?
- Will there be a limit per trading day?
- Show Remaining Articles (4) Collapse Articles
Institutional Traders
- Are HootDex Institutional APIs free to use?
- Are there any special incentives or promotions for Institutions?
- Can Institutions integrate their trading systems with HootDex?
- Can Institutions request custom tokens?
- Can we use Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin to onboard to HootDex?
- Do we need to fully fund our Pecu Wallet?
- Does HootDex offer margin trading or other leverage features for Institutions?
- Does HootDex provide custody services?
- Institutional Digital Asset Traders
- What digital assets are supported for swapping on HootDex?
- What security measures does HootDex have in place to protect our Digital Assets?
- Will there be a limit per trading day?
OTC Swapping Desk
API Docs
- Articles coming soon
< All Topics
08.12.24 Connection Upgrade May Cause Quotes From Registering on web and mobile apps
08.12.2024: HootDex has been undergoing mandatory upgrades across the entire system to insure that the onboarding process is infinitely scalable and can handle a broad range of institutional and professional digital asset traders smoothly. The upgraded protocols are unavoidable and will allow this to take place. We appreciate your continued understanding and patience as we bring forward the most innovative decentralized digital asset platform that we can. We will post an update to this post as we progress.
HootDex Team
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