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- 8.08.24 Maintenance Update
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- HootDex Upgrades and Scaling September 26, 2023
- HootDex will be down from 15:30 to 16:30 UTC for migration on Nov 7, 2023
- Important Announcement: Glitch Impacting a Few Select HedgeTokens 3.20.24
- July 16 - 19 2024 Maintenance
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- Maintenance 10-25-2023
- Major upgrades to HootDex Dec 6, 2023
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Pro Retail Traders
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- Can Professional Retail Traders integrate their trading systems with HootDex?
- Can Professional Retail Traders request custom tokens?
- Can we use Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin to onboard to HootDex?
- Do I need to fully fund my Pecu Wallet?
- Does HootDex offer a mobile app for Professional Traders?
- Does HootDex offer margin trading or other leverage features for Pro Traders?
- Does HootDex provide custody services?
- How do Professional Retail Traders acquire PECU to swap on HootDex?
- How does the order placement and execution process work on HootDex?
- Professional Retail Digital Asset Swapping
- What are the available order types and how do they function?
- What are the swapping fees and gas fees charged by HootDex?
- What digital assets are supported for swapping on HootDex?
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- Institutional Digital Asset Traders
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OTC Swapping Desk
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Brief History of Pecu Novus
Brief History of Pecu Novus and Its Impact
The Pecu Novus Blockchain Network is a layer-1 blockchain network that aims to promote global inclusion, security, and speed. It was initially conceptualized in 2016 and went live in 2017, with the whitepaper introduced in 2018. The creators of Pecu Novus are Vin Gauss and later Sri Ram, who joined six months after its inception. The project was built on the idea of creating a blockchain network that would provide a secure and inclusive platform for various applications and promote cross-chain interaction without the concern of hacking.
One of the key features of Pecu Novus is its native coin called PECU coin. The network was not marketed to promote investment but rather with the belief that if it was built well, users and developers would be drawn to it. The focus was on creating a robust and scalable infrastructure rather than solely relying on marketing efforts.
In 2022, the entire Pecu Novus Blockchain Network underwent a significant revamp. It was redesigned and sharded to improve scalability. Sharding is a technique that allows the network to process transactions in parallel across multiple shards, thereby significantly increasing its capacity. Alongside the redesign, a Proof of Time consensus mechanism was introduced. This mechanism, along with the validator nodes, has made it possible for Pecu Novus to be used alongside widely used Bitcoin mining rigs without impacting the GPUs’ functionality or speed. The low energy capacity required to host a Pecu Novus validator node makes it an attractive option for miners looking to diversify their activities.
The revamp and introduction of new features in Pecu Novus 2.0 have increased the network’s scalability by 1000-fold, making it capable of handling a significantly larger volume of transactions. This scalability improvement opens up new possibilities for the network in terms of adoption and usage.
Pecu Novus has positioned itself as a platform that provides secure infrastructure and tools for various applications. Even if an application is not fully built on the Pecu Novus network, developers can leverage the tools and security features it offers. This approach aims to promote inclusion by allowing any application to benefit from the network’s security features without being limited to using only Pecu Novus for its entire functionality.
In the world of blockchain, fintech, and decentralized applications (dApps), Pecu Novus offers several value propositions. Firstly, its focus on global inclusion aligns with the broader goal of blockchain technology to provide financial services to the unbanked or underbanked populations. By offering a scalable and secure infrastructure, Pecu Novus can facilitate the development of dApps that can reach these underserved populations.
Secondly, the network’s emphasis on security, as well as its ongoing evolution and improvement, positions it as a reliable and robust platform for fintech applications. With the constant threat of hacking and data breaches, the ability to build on a secure blockchain network like Pecu Novus can provide confidence to developers and users alike.
Furthermore, the introduction of sharding and the Proof of Time consensus mechanism enhances the network’s scalability and potential for growth. This scalability improvement allows Pecu Novus to handle a significantly larger number of transactions, making it suitable for applications with high transaction volumes.
Long-term, Pecu Novus aims to facilitate secure cross-chain interaction. This means that applications built on different blockchain networks would be able to interact with each other seamlessly, without the concern of hacking or compromising security. Achieving this would be a significant advancement for blockchain technology, as it would promote interoperability and collaboration among various networks.
Overall, the history of the Pecu Novus Blockchain Network showcases its evolution from an initial concept to a revamped and scalable platform. Its value proposition lies in its focus on global inclusion, security, and scalability. By providing a secure infrastructure and tools for developers, Pecu Novus aims to contribute to the growth and adoption of blockchain technology in the realms of fintech and decentralized applications.
What’s in a Name?
The name “Pecu Novus” was carefully selected in order to represent what this blockchain network was being built for. The name originates from Latin, where “Pecu” means money, and “Novus” translates to new. Combining these two words, the name Pecu Novus can be interpreted as “New Money” or “Money Reimagined.”
The choice of the name aligns with the network’s vision and goals. Pecu Novus aims to bring about innovation and transformation in the realm of financial transactions and services. By leveraging blockchain technology, the network aims to introduce new ways of handling and transacting with money, providing a fresh perspective on the traditional financial system.
The Latin roots of the name also lend a sense of timelessness and authority. By incorporating Latin terms, the creators of Pecu Novus may have sought to evoke a sense of credibility and stability, drawing on the historical significance of Latin as a language associated with law, governance, and academia.
Furthermore, the name Pecu Novus carries a simplicity and memorability that can be advantageous for branding purposes. It conveys the core concept of the network succinctly, making it easier for users and potential adopters to understand its purpose.
Overall, the choice of the name Pecu Novus reflects the network’s mission to introduce innovative financial solutions and reimagine traditional monetary systems, while also invoking a sense of authority and simplicity.
The Pecu Novus Transition
This is an overview of the origins, evolution, stewards, and future of the Pecu Novus Blockchain Network.
The Pecu Novus Blockchain Network is a decentralized layer-1 blockchain network with its origins dating back to 2016 as a concept and it went live in 2017. The true identities of the creators, Vin Gauss and Sri Ram, have not been confirmed, it is widely believed that they may represent a Eurasian group that need to remain anonymous. In 2019, the creators ceased innovation, and internal disputes or frustrations were cited as possible reasons for this halt.
During this period, the creators sought out and then formed an alliance with MegaHoot Technologies, a technology company that has innovative ideas for the blockchain space but needed a layer-1 blockchain to integrate it into. The specifics of how this connection was established are unclear. The collaboration aimed to implement a digital escrow system that would directly integrate with the Pecu Novus network. However, internal disputes and the cessation of innovation caused a stagnation in Pecu Novus’ growth.
According to available information, to avoid shuttering the project in general Vin Gauss struck a deal with MegaHoot Technologies, wherein MegaHoot would become the stewards or custodians of the network’s future development and maintenance. In return, MegaHoot committed to continuing innovation to fulfill the original vision of Pecu Novus. This led to the total revamping of the network in 2021, referred to as Pecu Novus 2.0, which focused on growth and maintaining the network’s original purpose.
Today, the Pecu Novus Network is a robust system that promotes global inclusion, security, and speed. MegaHoot Technologies plays a significant role in enhancing the network’s security through proprietary methodologies and tools integrated into the backbone and core network. The stewardship of Pecu Novus by MegaHoot Technologies aims to benefit the broader Pecu Novus and cryptocurrency community.
Following the introduction of Pecu Novus 2.0, MegaHoot Technologies embarked on the development and integration of artificial intelligence (AI) directly into the core of the network. This initiative is intended to further enhance the network and prepare it for continued growth over the next few decades.
The creators of Pecu Novus have since exited the project, leaving the continued innovation and stewardship to MegaHoot Technologies. This shift in responsibility ensures that innovation, transparency, security, speed, and global inclusion can continue to evolve as the network expands further.
Looking to the future, the Pecu Novus Blockchain Network aims to continue its evolution and growth under the guidance of MegaHoot Technologies. With a focus on enhancing security, promoting global inclusion, and leveraging emerging technologies like AI, the network aspires to realize its original vision of reimagining the concept of money and providing innovative financial solutions.
The lowest denomination of a PECU coin, called a Vinci, is named after Vinci Gauss or Vin Gauss, the pseudonymous creator(s) of Pecu Novus. The name Vinci is likely a combination of the creator’s pseudonym and the desire to have a distinct and recognizable denomination for the smallest unit of the PECU coin.
Similar to Bitcoin’s satoshi and other cryptocurrency denominations, the Vinci represents the smallest unit of measurement within the PECU Novus Blockchain Network. It allows for the precise representation of fractional values of PECU coins, enabling microtransactions and flexibility in pricing.
Each Vinci represents one-billionth of the value of a PECU coin, which translates to an incredibly small value, such as $0.000000001 when the value of one PECU coin is $1.
The use of Vinci promotes inclusivity and facilitates transactions involving smaller amounts of PECU. It allows individuals to engage in granular value transfers and supports the growth of the PECU Novus ecosystem.
It’s important to note that the true identities of Vinci Gauss or Vin Gauss haven’t been confirmed, as they are pseudonymous creators similar to the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto of Bitcoin. The choice of Vinci as the denomination underscores the legacy and influence of the creator(s) on the PECU Novus Blockchain Network.
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